Garage Door Installations in Minneapolis – Tips & Tricks

If you have a garage door that is more than 2 decades old then it is high time to consider a replacement. A new garage door installation in Minneapolis can bring a lot of benefits in terms of utility and safety. Not only will you have a better door but your home value will also go up because it increases your curb appeal. Here are some steps on the best way to install a new garage door for your home.

Garage Door Installation in Minneapolis Solution #1 Tension Release

The first step in the process should you want to go DIY on this project is to release the tension on the door. Begin by clamping the adjustable locking pliers on the torsion spring shaft and wedge the pliers against the header wall above the door. Next step is to insert a steel rod into one of the holes in the spring winding cone. Take note that there are 4 holes available that are used for tightening and loosening. Hold tightly on the rod and then loosen the setscrews that keep the winding cone in its place. Utilize the steel rods in order to loosen the spring one-quarter turn at a time. Make sure to alternate the two rods, using one to hold the cone steady and the other to turn the cone after the first rod is removed.

Garage Door Installation in Minneapolis Solution #2 Disconnect the Current Opener and Door

Once you have released the tension, the next step in the process is to disconnect the existing garage door opener from the door. Start by removing the door panels. Top panel first and then remove the hinges connected to the panel. Take extra caution if there is glass involved. Next is to disconnect the track by simply unscrewing or unbolting it from the doorframe. If you are considering replacing the automatic door opener as well, remove the opener’s track from above and then remove the opener.

Garage Door Installation in Minneapolis Solution #3 Door Panel Installation

The next step in this garage door installation in Minneapolis is to install the new door. If you are installing a door for a 2-car garage it is recommended to install a reinforcing bar on the top panel so as to prevent the door from bowing in the center. Make sure that the bar is centered on the pilot. Then drill holes in order to secure the bar with screws. Next step is attaching hinges to the top of each panel. A lot of new garage doors are equipped with pilot holes already drilled into place by the maker of the door. Attach axles to the base of the bottom panel and to the top of the top panel. Install the bottom panel into the door opening. Hold the panel upright by driving a nail into the wall next to the panel and then bending it over to hold the panel in place. Do make sure that it is level prior to connecting the next panel.

Connect the next panel on top of the first one. Check that the groove of the upper panel is resting on the ridge of the lower panel. Just repeat the process until all of the panels are in their place. The last panel needs to extend one inch or so past the top of the door opening.


Garage Door Installation in Minneapolis Solution #4 Secure the Hinges and Install the Track

From within the garage, secure the top half of each hinge to the panel above. Place the wheeled axles into the side hinges and the top and bottom axle supports. Start installing the track by attaching brackets to the vertical track pieces. Read the instruction manual in order to ensure that you are installing the brackets in the right places. Once the brackets are attached, place them against the wall and make sure the wheels lie properly in the track. Connect the door cable to the hook on the bottom panel axle support prior to connecting the bottom bracket to the wall.

Garage Door Installation in Minneapolis Solution #5 Connect the Spring Assembly to the Track

garage door installation in Minneapolis

Attach the pieces to support the spring assembly and connect them to the track. Rest the curved part of the track on the vertical piece that you installed prior and then attach the other end to the ceiling bracket. Just reuse the same ceiling supports.

Bolt Tracks

Connect the horizontal track to the vertical track. Drill a hole through the horizontal track in order to line up with the vertical track. Use the holes in the vertical track in order to determine where to drill the hole.

Install The Springs

Look for the center of the opening and mark it on the door header. Connect the spring anchors to the spring and then attach the spring locking cone. Bolt the two springs properly in order to maintain the header bracket.

Torsion Rod and Pulleys Installation

Slide the torsion rod into the holes in the side header brackets. Check to see if the rod is secure and then connect the pulleys to each end of the rod. Attach the center header bracket to the center mark on the header.

Connect the Cable

From below bring the cable up and connect it to the pulley wheel on both sides. Turn the wheel to reduce slack over the pulley from the door side and then slide the wheel to the header bracket and then tighten them securely.

Tighten the Springs

Use the steel rods in order to tighten the spring by reversing and loosening it. Check with the owner’s manual in order to learn how many times you need to tighten it. When the correct tension is achieved, tighten the bolts in the anchor in order to lock it in place and then remove the pliers from the torsion rod.

Causes of Car Vibration

Car Tire Causing Vibration

Car vibration is probably one of the annoying situations you could ever have while driving your car. Not only is it distracting, it points to an actual problem with your car.  Due to the fact that there are a lot of moving parts in a vehicle, determining the cause of a vehicle’s vibration can be frustrating at times. Here are some of the most common causes of car vibration.

Worn out U-Joint

According to tune up car experts, the u-joints connect the driveshaft to the transmission and rear axle yokes.  In the event that they wear out they tend to become loose and as a result, the driveshaft moves around in the yokes. This movement causes the vehicle to vibrate when the car is operating at high speeds.

Imbalanced Wheels

An improperly balanced wheel is when one area of the wheel becomes heavier than the rest. The result? An uneven centrifugal force in the wheel as its speed increases which leads to vibration. Weights that are used to balance the wheel tend to fall off resulting to an imbalanced wheel, uneven tire wear and vibration.

Poor Driveline Alignment

According to tire repair specialists, if a car has its ride height adjusted by lowering or raising the suspension components, the driveline can become misaligned in the process. The wrong angles in the u-joints causes the car to vibrate during driving.

Faulty Engine Supports

The function of motor mounts or the engine support is it secures the motor within the frame of the car. When this breaks, they no longer hold the engine securely and it then moves around resulting in various parts of the motor getting into contact with the frame resulting in vibration. A broken motor mount also results in loud banging or clunking sounds when the car is placed into gear.